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 How to do push-ups correctly-in proper technic or method |

how to do push-ups correctly for beginners—

how to do push ups correctly for beginners

        Push-ups are a great way to keep your body really healthy. In addition to a balanced diet, physical exercise is also needed to keep the body fit and healthy and push-ups are the best of those physical exercises. How to do push-ups correctly for beginners- Yes friends, today I will explain to you in a clear way how to do push-ups correctly. Exercise helps to keep the body fit as well as keep away many diseases. In addition, regular exercise also increases the stamina of the body. In this article from Health & Fitness, we are talking about a special exercise called push up. In this article, we will tell you what a push-up is. In addition, we will provide information on the benefits of push-ups and how to do this exercise. Also, keep in mind that you need to get training from an instructor before starting any physical exercise and it will be beneficial to do it regularly. Let's see how to do push-ups correctly for beginners—


👉What is push-ups exercise for beginners.

👉Types of push-ups exercise.

👉 How to do push-ups correctly for beginners-in proper technic or method 

👉Benefits of push-ups exercise for male/female.

👉Mistakes during push-ups for beginners.



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🏿 What is push-ups exercise for beginners--

            Before we know how to do push-ups correctly for beginners, we need to know what push-ups exercises are. Push-ups are a common exercise so that the whole body is kept parallel to the ground and kept straight. The body is raised and lowered by placing the palms of the hands on the ground on either side of the chest, with emphasis on the arms and shoulders. In this condition, the entire weight of the body rests on the palms of the hands and the toes. Push-ups can help increase body strength as well as strengthen muscles, triceps, and shoulders. If you can give push-ups in the correct position, then you can take good advantage of it. There is no reason to worry, I will tell you today-How to do push-ups correctly for beginners.

🏿 Types of push-ups exercise for beginners--

        How to do push-ups correctly for beginners - we need to know this but if we don't know how many push-ups there are before then how do we do push-ups. Push-ups can be done in many ways. But, here we are telling you about some special and common types:

1. Standard push-ups: This is the most common way to do push-ups for both males and females. The arms are kept parallel to the shoulders and some distance is kept between the legs. These push-ups are very effective for beginners.

2. Modified push-ups: Even in this push-up, the hands are kept parallel to the shoulders, but the knees are aligned with the ground. This method is best for beginners who are doing push-ups for the first time.

3. Wide push up: In this push up, the legs are fully spread and your body is pushed upwards keeping some distance from the shoulders. This method is also easy for those who are doing push-ups for the first time.

4. Narrow push-ups: In this method of push-ups, the hands are held close to the inside of the chest. This method may seem a bit daunting at first.

5. Reject push-ups: In this type of push-up, the hands are kept parallel to the shoulders and the legs are placed on a slightly elevated table or stairs. It takes a lot of effort to do, but it shows quick effects.

6. Plyometric Push-Ups: This is an advanced way to do push-ups. In this, the upper part of the body is thrown upwards while clapping and clapping is done. Then your hands are placed on the ground again. At this time the nails are next to the ground.

If you know what kind of push-ups are, how to do push-ups correctly for beginners - now hopefully you will not have any difficulty in knowing it.

🏿 How to do push-ups correctly for beginners-in proper technic or method--
how to do push ups correctly for beginners

   Let's take a look at this - how to do push-ups correctly for beginners-

1. Before pushing up, warm up to loosen hands, shoulders, wrists. Then start the push-up.

2. To push up, place your hands on the floor slightly wider than the shoulders. Keep the legs straight and the weight on the toes and toes.

3. Remember, in this position, there should be a straight line from head to heel. However, the distance between the legs can be kept at shoulder level.

4. Before pushing up, draw the abdomen pieces while connecting the roots, while breathing. When doing push-ups, keep the core tight, then you will get more benefits.

5. Slowly lower the body while bending the elbows until the elbows come to an angle of nding0 degrees.

6. Next, as soon as you feel the tension in the chest muscles being created, push the body upwards with your hands while exhaling. This will bring you back to normal. This will be called 1 rep.

7. This way you can do 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Even if you do more pushups, there is no harm.

Then you can understand- how to do push-ups correctly for beginners.

🏿 Benefits of push-ups exercise for male/female--

        how to do push-ups correctly for beginners- Like many types of exercises, push-ups can also be beneficial for the body. Here we are talking in detail about the benefits of push-ups.

1. Strengthen the arms, shoulders, and chest

A study was conducted on Korean university students to find out how push-ups are beneficial for the arms, shoulders, and chest. Studies published on the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) website show that push-ups stretch muscles. It also strengthens the arms, shoulders, and chest.

2. Relieve back pain

Poor lifestyle and careless physical activity can cause back pain. In such situations, push-ups can help reduce this problem to some extent. Studies have shown that push-ups strengthen muscles. Also, stretching the muscles can help reduce pain by relieving stiffness. People with low back pain may benefit from push-ups. Along with this, there is also chatapati in the body.

3. Strengthen the muscles

One advantage of push-ups is that if done correctly, the muscles can become stronger. To confirm this fact, research was done on some people between the ages of 20 and 30. According to this study, the muscles of the human shoulder, arm, and forearms become stronger by push-ups.

4. Benefits of push-ups to lose weight

Weight gain or obesity can cause many kinds of problems. To overcome this problem, push-ups can be beneficial. Some research on this topic is available on the NCBI website. For now, more research is needed on this topic.
How to do push-ups correctly for beginners, or the benefits of push-ups, everything you know.

🏿 Mistakes during push-ups for beginners--

       We have to be careful while doing push-ups or we have to be careful while doing push-ups. Otherwise, we have to be careful while doing push-ups. How to do push-ups correctly for beginners. When I found out about it, let's not make a mistake about it

1. Some people move their hips high when doing push-ups, which is wrong. So keep in mind that the head, back, buttocks are at the same level when doing push-ups.

2. Leaving the core loose is also a big mistake. Doing so does not require too much energy and reduces muscle engagement.

3. When doing push-ups, some people look to the front, which puts a strain on the neck and you are not able to perform properly. So always keep the position of your head according to the body.

4. Some people lock their elbows when they get tired during push-ups, which is also a bad habit. By doing this the body comes to a comfortable position. So be careful not to lock the elbows.

5. If your hands are further away from the body than the shoulders, some people put more pressure on their shoulders, which can cause strain. So keep your hands close to your shoulders.

6. Heavy weight lifting can cause injury in the beginning, so avoid putting weight on your back when doing push-ups.
You know how to do push-ups correctly for beginners and their mistakes.

🏿 FAQ--

👉How many good push-ups a day?

There is no limit to how many push-ups you can do in a day. Many people do more than 100 push-ups a day. But I would say that 50-100 push-ups a day are enough for a healthy person to keep the body healthy. However, you can set 3 by 12 at the beginning.

👉What's the best position for push-ups?

Keep your whole body straight while doing push-ups. You breathe normally. The whole body seemed to rise and fall together. At chest level, the hands should be slightly outside shoulder-width apart.

👉How to do back push-up exercise correctly?

See there are no such push-ups called back push-ups. You can read the above types of push-ups and you will understand how many types of push-ups there are. However, there are some exercises that do back exercise. And it's a bit like push-ups to do the exercises, it's called back push-ups.

🏿 Conclusion--

How to do push-ups correctly for beginners- Push-up exercises can be done at any time other than chest exercises. If you have any confusion you can comment or ask your trainer. Friends, you should consult your doctor before doing anything.
how to do push-ups correctly for beginners- I hope you understand everything.

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